Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy Week and Quilt Guild

The first week of school has proven to be very busy--even though I feel that my family and myself is still on summer mode!  We are making the transition, kicking and screaming (figuratively speaking only) every day as we wake up at 4:45 to get ready for school and work.  The weekend has flown by so fast that I can't believe it.  Granted it started Friday evening with my monthly quilt guild meeting (such fun and I will show pictures), then on to Party with Patrick and our neighborhood block party all on Saturday!  Today was my husband's birthday--we took him out to eat and let him have a great day!  I also found time to work on Boy Scout Mother's Auxiliary, school work, posting here and working on a Halloween quilt for an exchange I am involved in with Burnt Woods Primitives--it is my first Halloween exchange and I can't wait!  I will show a picture once it is sent off to its recipient!  It has been a wonderful weekend with much cooler temperatures too--we are at 57 degrees at this time--last week we were in the 70's at night and 90's during the day; I am happy for the cooler temperatures though as it truly makes it feel like fall, which is one of my favorite times of the year!

Well, it is time to show some truly spectacular work from the very talented quilters in our quilt guild! 
Isabel pieced and quilted this adorable quilt; I just love that bottom right sheep going the opposite direction, someone is always going against the grain!
Isabel, on the right, also created this beautiful quilt!  Perri on the left is our wonderful President, who always lends a hand to all of the Show and Tell quilters!
This is another one of Isabel's quilts that she finished this summer--she is one busy lady!
This quilt was created by Kelly's mother and it is hysterical!  I have to get her name--I think it is Maggie.  This uses the "fruit" ladies fabric! 

This quilt was made by Pat--an extremely talented and prolific quilter!  Her machine quilting and quilts are all gorgeous!
Here is another photo of Pat holding another quilt.
This is just the cutest baby quilt!  Another made by Pat!
This mandela quilt was made by Pat's daughter--it is her FIRST quilt!  She designed and made this quilt as part of a college degree.  The seasons are all represented between the trees.  My first quilt did NOT look like this!  She is obviously following in her mother's footsteps!  It is so beautiful.
Bonnie creates these great quilts every month for charity!  She brings them in and leaves them with our charity chairperson!  She is such a generous lady--thank you Bonnie!

Well, I am going to stop here until tomorrow, as I have a very special person to introduce and show her work!  Until tomorrow, happy quilting!